Friday, April 29, 2011

jeans that fit just right

I saw this on another blog a few days ago, so I thought I'd try it over here. When I try to remember happy times, I often try to recall the big things. I think it's important, however, to remember the small things that make life pretty good sometimes. Without further ado, here are my top 25 (in no particular order)....

1. Waking up early on Saturday just to watch the sunrise.
2. The smell of coffee brewing.
3. Reading a verse in the Bible i've read millions of times before, but this time it takes on a new meaning.
4. Watching a baby sleep in my arms.
5. A heated discussion about Theology
6. Watching the rain.
7. The smell of rain.
8. Walkin in rain wearing a spaghetti stap shirt and short shorts.
9.  Chris's voice (:
10. Brianne's laugh.
11. Joyce Meyer's preaching.
12. Mike Skidmore's preaching.
13. books by Max Lucado.
14. sitting around all day in my pj's.
15. Rasberry Latte's! (thank Alina Garbuz for that one.)
16. Watching how just about everything in the news now is talked about in Revelation.
17. Watching the sunset on Elephant Butte Lake with hot air all around me.
18. A clean house (not the actual cleaning, but the result)
19. American History (not a nerd, i just love my country)
20. Cinammon Rolls
21. Blankets.
22. Sweaters/Hoodies
23. Laughing with Chris right by my side (:
24. Holding puppies
25. Sunshine mixed with colddd lemonade (:

Hope this inspires you to make your own list.

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thanks, come again